香港朗廷酒店一楼的唐阁中餐厅是食客心中顶级粤菜的代表,2008年,荣获米其林评鉴二星的餐厅,也曾被美国权威杂志HOTELS选为“全球十大酒店食肆”,亦是全球10间唯一入选旅游杂志Travel and Leisure “全球100个最叫人拍案叫绝的地方和事物”的香港餐厅。唐阁装潢格调高雅,以红、金为主色,尽情地展现唐朝盛世的气派。菜色方面是正宗的粤菜,并也擅长以新颖的手法重新诠释,款式多不胜数,是很多食客在香港一定造访的米其林餐厅之一。
A great favourite among discerning diners since its establishment at The Langham, Hong Kong more than two decades ago, T'ang Court's many distinguished facets have been recreated in Shanghai. Food enthusiasts will experience premium, Cantonese cuisine and an ambience of oriental elegance which are just two of the many qualities that have earned its Hong Kong counterpart numerous international accolades. These include the US-based Hotel Magazine's Top 10 Hotel Restaurants in the world. T'ang Court was named on US Food and Wine Magazine's "Go list 2008". The restaurant was also awarded Michelin Stars, a much-coveted honour for cuisine excellence conferred by the Michelin Red Guide.
地址_ 上海市汉口路240号
电话_ 021 6080 0733