上海浦东香格里拉酒店的翡翠36餐厅完美融合了时尚及经典元素,拥有浦江的绝佳美景。新任主厨Franck-Elie Laloum出生于法国瓦朗斯(Valence)。在此之前,Franck-Elie曾在法国瓦朗斯(Valence)的Maison Pic米其林三星餐厅担任主厨。2000年至2010年间,他还曾先后在法国巴黎的Pavillon Ledoyen米其林三星餐厅、罗阿讷的Maison Troisgros米其林三星餐厅以及戛纳La Palme d'Or和La Villa des Lys米其林二星餐厅工作过。Franck-Elie拥有12年法餐烹饪经验,深得法国米其林星级餐厅的烹饪精髓,以现代手法完美演绎翡翠36餐厅的传统法餐,呈献的是别具一格的味觉盛宴。虽然Frank-Elie烹饪手法新颖多变,但他却始终遵循一个最简单的原则:注重新鲜,即在进行美食创意时仅仅挑选并使用最新鲜的食材。
“三星人”Franck-Elie Laloum
Chef Franck-Elie Laloum, a French national from Valence in the south of France, joins Pudong Shangri-La, Shanghai as the chef de cuisine at Jade on 36 Restaurant. Bringing with him 12 years of experience in French gastronomy and his own style, Chef FranckElie previously worked at three Michelin three-star restaurants and two Michelin two-star restaurants in France from 2000 to 2011.Chef Franck-Elie will present classical French cuisine with a modern touch at Jade on 36 Restaurant, and enhance the restaurant to Michelin standards. He takes pride in his newly defined New Age French food, where he likes to present new flavours based on high-quality ingredients, and to take classical recipes and add new twists and dimensions with advanced technology, forming a union of opposites, the traditional and the innovative. Although Chef Frank-Elie uses new technologies to present diverse flavours, he has a simple philosophy of respecting fresh produce, which means choosing and using only the freshest seasonal ingredients for his creations.
地址_ 上海市黄浦区圆明园路169号协进大楼
电话_ 021 6087 2890