THAILAND 一级户外用膳体验
豪华度假村Paresa位于Kamala 海岸,该区被誉为Millionaires Mile(富豪集中地)。度假村坐落岛上风光最迷人的地段,耸立于悬崖上,置身阳光充沛的热带森林中,俯瞰湛蓝的安达曼海。Paresa 的独特建筑及雅致室内设计与周遭的自然环境浑然天成,所有宾客套房及别墅均面对安达曼海,大部分更附设私人无边际泳池,尽览醉人海景。“Infinity Experience”乃 Paresa 的顶级户外用膳体验。缀以瑰丽光纤灯饰的无边际泳池浅滩处建有多个“私人岛屿”,你们安坐其中,恍若置身于漫天星河的夜幕下。
The Sarojin is ideally suited for couples, honeymoons, intimate weddings, adult family groups, small meetings and incentive and reward groups; all wishing to relax, receive personalized attention, dine on excellent cuisines and wines, enjoy unique personalized experiences and gain authentic insights in to Thai life. The resort, gardens and beach areas are relatively flat and easily accessible to all ages.