Boulud Sud
20 West 64th Street, Upper West Side Manhattan
+1 212 595 1313
Boulud Sud是明星大厨Daniel新开的餐厅,主要供应vibrant Mediterranean。这一菜单的设计如同一次旅行,包括了众多地区的不同风味,从法国、西班牙、意大利、希腊、北非到土耳其,都有各国美食的踪影。其中,令人印象深刻的是一道烤章鱼和烤羊排。烤章鱼的颜色十分诱人,带着秋天枫叶的漂亮色彩,上面一层清亮的油将整个菜铺满淡淡的金色。咬下去的时候,韧劲十足的肉质让人欲罢不能。其中搭配的新鲜蔬菜则可正好中和鱼肉中带有的一点点腥气。如果正好吃到一颗杏仁,那口中便幻化出另外一份神奇。除了主食的烤制品外,Ghaya Oliveira's的甜品也是很有品尝价值的,她的那款柚子慕斯的奇妙口感绝对可以为当晚画一个让人惊艳的句号。
Harissa Grilled Lamb by B.Milne
Boulud Sud is Chef Daniel Boulud's new restaurant serving vibrant Mediterranean cuisine. The menu travels the entire region offering flavors from Frances, Spain, Italy, Greece, North Africa and Turkey. There is an emphasis on grilled fish and lamb as well as an abundance of fresh vegetables on menu sections entitled "De La Mer", "Du Jardin" and "De La Ferme". The Mid-Century Modern interiors, including a spacious bar and lounge, are decorated in tones of sunflower yellow and slate grey. The light filled space is framed by floor to ceiling windows, vaulted ceilings, pear wood paneling and terrazzo floors, as well as works by famed artist Vik Muniz.