上海外滩华尔道夫酒店在外滩三号这座百年历史的老建筑中散发着淳淳的浓香,它的华丽与大气是可以让人深深沉醉的。深邃而明亮的走廊,复古的电梯,华丽的吊灯,通过这些极具创造性的多层视觉切入点,将其贯穿的两座建筑完美契合。穿梭其中,历史怀旧与现代经典两种风格不断带来视觉享受。由于建筑本身的历史,这里的每间屋子几乎都有一段让人着迷的历史。浦江汇,如今这座优雅的茶室,早在1910年是间报章杂志阅览室,上海总会的成员曾在此一边抽着雪茄,一边阅读报纸,了解最新时事新闻。它那原方格天花板、皇冠造型的齿状纹饰都讲述着这里经过怎样的岁月。重新装饰后的浦江汇有了古典风格的水晶枝形灯、造型精致的镶金镜子、天鹅绒沙发和古色古香的瓷器柜,古典茶室的布局与欢快的颜色营造出温馨又神秘的东方美。其华美的风姿相得益彰的是浦江汇内令人垂涎欲滴的红丝绒蛋糕,是20世纪20年代纽约华尔道夫酒店的经典招牌甜点。蛋糕以甜菜根汁与可可粉天然加色,呈现出深红色,各层之间则采用香草奶油覆盖。在电影《Steel Magnolias》里,女星朱丽亚·罗伯茨曾用自己性感的双唇告诉世界这里的红丝绒蛋糕有着怎样的甜美诱惑。
Formerly a news room in 1910, where the Shanghai Club members read their papers, caught up over the latest news and smoked a pipe, Salon de Ville is now one of the more effete spaces of the Waldorf Astoria Club. This richness is further conveyed in delicate dessert decadence – the Red Velvet – where even its name justifies its pre-eminence in this regal spell. Legends have swelled around it for decades and its sheer offering at the Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund infinitely seals the weight of this resplendent hotel that carries on the history and tradition of the New York monument. The Red Velvet is a classic signature dessert from the Waldorf=Astoria New York during the 1920s. Coloured rich in dark red by natural beetroot juice and cocoa powder, the cake is layered between buttery blonde frosting. So celebrated is the Red Velvet that it even played a role in the 1989 movie "Steel Magnolias", starring Hollywood's leading lady Julia Roberts.
NO.2, ZhongShan east Road,ShangHai
+86 21 6322 9988