The Palm Court
Fifth Avenue at Central Park South New York
+212 759 3000
The Palm Court餐厅经过650万美元的翻修之后,像焕颜一般以富丽堂皇的姿态呈现在The Plaza 酒店大堂楼层中央。明亮的彩色玻璃灯经重新打造后再度绽放璀璨光芒,如同所在酒店一般,一如既往地为纽约市的精致生活、蓬勃精神与独特文化注入自己的激情活力。这里的午餐和下午茶都十分出名,是很多名人与时尚人士频繁光顾的地方。在周日的时候,还有自选早午餐菜单可选。此外,Palm Court在晚间特别活动时还提供儿童菜单和鸡尾酒。
The Palm Court serves breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. An a la carte brunch menu is offered on Sundays. In addition, The Palm Court offers children's menus and cocktails and is available for special events in the evening. The Palm Court also offers a Chef's Table at Lunch featuring a new option ideal for busy shoppers and business lunches where time is of the essence. Based on the daily market availability, the Chef's Table includes seasonal offerings and tempting desserts.