翡翠36餐厅 Jade on 36
33 Fucheng Road, 36F Grand Tower
+86 21 6882 8888
不止一个人和我提起过香格里拉集团的自助餐,盛赞其品质如何高,味道如何好,堪称酒店中最令人满意的自助餐。现在,除了自助,浦东香格里拉大酒店翡翠36餐厅推出的周日早午餐也是名声在外。翡翠36餐厅位于紫金楼36层,这里有着得天独厚的景观优势。错落有致的台阶式设计,让人们无论坐在哪张餐桌上,都能观赏到黄浦江美丽的景色。餐厅是由纽约知名设计师Adam D Tihany亲手打造,通过四大中国传统元素诠释出令人惊叹的空间感。美食大师Fabrice Giraud坐镇于此,这位巴黎先锋派厨师呈现上一道道经典法菜,让味觉盛宴在周日尽情绽放。“开放式厨房”将所有的感官置身于美食盛宴中,自助区域是海鲜的天堂,帝王蟹脚、扇贝、鱼子酱和烟熏吞拿鱼等都新鲜可口;主食包括澳洲西冷和牛、波士顿龙虾以及澳洲小羊排等。美食当前,美酒也毫不逊色,酩悦香槟、葡萄酒、果味玛格丽特和台克力酒,精选进口啤酒、果汁及无酒精鸡尾酒让人眼花缭乱,只想将所有美酒都一一品饮。
浦东香格里拉大酒店总经理施政延(Cetin Sekercioglu)
Jade on 36 Restaurant at Pudong Shangri-La, Shanghai launch its first Sunday brunch. The open kitchen concept offers a culinary adventure, whereby guests have the option of ordering from the distinctive menu or selecting their choice from the kitchen and the smorgasbords in the restaurant. A roast carving station and cheese trolley are available, and appetisers are placed on an open platter. Homestyle hotpot selections are served straight from the stove in the kitchen. All the brunch creations are made with fresh seasonal produce and premium ingredients. Guests can also enjoy an unlimited flow of Moet et Chandon champagne, red and white wines.