Franck-Elie Laloum
Franck-Elie Laloum:上海浦东香格里拉大酒店翡翠36餐厅的掌门人
出生于法国瓦朗斯(Valence)的Franck-Elie Laloum曾在法国瓦朗斯(Valence)的Maison Pic米其林三星餐厅担任主厨。拥有12年法餐烹饪经验,将秉承法国米其林星级餐厅的烹饪精髓,以现代手法完美演绎翡翠36餐厅的传统法餐,为宾客倾力呈献别具一格的味觉盛宴。
烤西班牙风味煲配西班牙腊肠和鸡蛋 Spanish style spiced potato and tomato dish
配料_ 土豆、辣味香肠、西班牙辣椒粉、番茄酱、蒜、橄榄油、意大利荷兰芥、盐和黑胡椒;
做法_ 把土豆切成丁,香肠切成片;在锅中倒入橄榄油,翻炒切碎的蒜头,直至金黄色。关至小火并加入西班牙辣椒粉;重新开大火,把香肠放入锅中翻炒至成色,再倒入土豆一起翻炒,至成色适宜出锅;加入番茄酱,加热;再放入盐和黑胡椒等调料,最后放意大利荷兰芥。直至调味料芳香醇厚;盛碗里,然后浇上一勺酸奶油。
Ingredient_ potato, spicy sausage, chilli powder, tomato sauce, garlic, olive oil, italian parsley, salt,pepper.
Method_ Cut the potato into dice. Slice the sausage.Fry the minced garlic in the olive oil until golden and fragrant. Turn down the gas and add the chilli powder or pimente d'esplette mix with the garlic and warm.Turn the gas to high again and add the sausage saute until getting colour, add the potato and saute until it is also getting .