在Fairmont Monte Carlo酒店内的L'Argentin餐厅用餐,可以从各个角度饱览地中海的壮丽美景,充分领略柔和光线与绚烂夕阳在海平面上交映成辉的动人景致。走道临海一侧的靠窗位置设有多张餐桌,可提供宁静私密的就餐空间;大厅内的备用餐桌以时尚风格彰显美式餐厅的独特魅力;优雅别致的私人包间则是私密聚会的完美之选。这里的全新菜单提供各种新古典主义风情的美食选项,让人们重温传统烹饪的无限韵味。
The renowned L'Argentin restaurant still succeeds in its creative classical offerings well known for the quality of its meat. Op art fabrics, the play of iridescent light evoking the setting sun, The new menu offers a neo-classically inspired cuisine which revisits great culinary traditions. The main room alternates tables in a style which recalls the great American diners, and a private dining room invites intimate gatherings. Elsewhere, the few tables lined the bay windows allow an intimate dinner surrounded by the sea.
12 Avenue des
Spélugues Monte Carlo
+377 9330 9330